Body Intuition

Independent licensed Massage Therapist / Esthetician specializing in individualized treatment for each client and their specific needs and relaxation . ⭐️ Please feel free to contact me if you don’t see a specific time available. 🚨gift cards are valid for one year from purchase date . 📍4110 maple rd, Buffalo NY 14226 Suite 12

Business Hours

9 AM - 6 PM
9 AM - 6 PM
8 AM - 4 PM
8 AM - 4 PM
8 AM - 4 PM

Cancellation Policy

Please understand that when you forget or cancel your appointment without giving enough notice, we miss the opportunity to fill that appointment time, and clients on our waiting list miss the opportunity to receive services. Our appointments are confirmed 48 hours in advance because we know how easy it is to forget an appointment you booked months ago. Since the services are reserved for you personally, a Cancellation fee will apply. - Less than 24 hour notice will result in a charge equal to 50%of the reserved service amount. - “NO SHOWS” will be charged 100% of the reserved service amount. - Deposit is required for each appointment , if appointment is cancelled less than 24hours Of service time deposit is non refundable . LATE POLICY : ALL APPOINTMENTS HAVE A 10 MINUTE GRACE PERIOD MEANING YOU CAN ONLY BE 10 MINUTES LATE TO YOUR APPOINTMENT, ANY MINUTE LATER WILL RESULT IN CANCELLATION AND THE CANCELLATION FEE.